About Noelle
This all started with a 2 week trip to France on my own just visiting friends and friends of friends. I’ve always been a lover of French culture, the romantic air of Paris, country side of the Dordogne, decadent crepes and fresh seafood in Saint Brieuc, the importance of the people as a community, the importance of family and personal health over work, the language and most certainly the food and the sharing of meals with others. I really enjoyed bouncing around to different parts of the country, mostly by train, I never thought that a country of its size would have such a vast landscape, changing from one scene to the next, it was a pleasant surprise and that trip has remained with me for the last 4 years.
Adventures With Scaggs is exactly that, an adventure of my own discoveries and experiences, my love of diving into something new, eating until I fall out of my chair, hosting friends, being a guest, simply living and learning. AWS is not a yelp review site, I post about things that I like, that has had some impact in my life in my memory, to hopefully inspire you to get out of your comfort zones when traveling or visiting a new restaurant, bar or whatever social occasion or unknown territory you may find yourself in.